Connecting external devices to a PLC controller regardless whether they are input or output is a special subject matter for industry. If it stands alone, PLC controller itself is nothing. In order to function it needs sensors to obtain information from environment, and it also needs execution devices so it could turn the programmed change into a reality. Similar concept is seen in how human being functions. Having a brain is simply not enough. Humans achieve full activity only with processing of information from a sensor (eyes, ears, touch, smell) and by taking action through hands, legs or some tools. Unlike human being who receives his sensors automatically, when dealing with controllers, sensors have to be subsequently connected to a PLC. How to connect input and output parts is the topic of this chapter.
Input lines
PLC controller output lines usually can be:
-transistors in PNP connection
-transistors in NPN connection
The following two pictures display a realistic way how a PLCmanages external devices. It ought to be noted that a main difference between these two pictures is a position of "output load device". By "output load device" we mean some relay, signalization light or similar.
How something is connected with a PLC output depends on the element being connected. In short, it depends on whether this element of output load device is activated by a positive supply pole or a negative supply pole.
author: Nebojsa Matic
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